Cleo Girl XXX


in bed with Lara Croft

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3d sexgame - HC feature total

find girls in save apartements visit the original girlfriends at their home via an additional red marker find girls in Jefferson Motel visit swinger club via additional red marker in NightClub

Also you can visit the original girlfriends at their home using hotkey and menue
type GFX on keyboard like a cheat

And you can play XXX everywhere using hotkey and menue
type SEX or TEX on keyboard like a cheat

Cleo Girl XXX requires to install Cleo 3 Library
How to do, look at CLEO3BASIC

Download Girl XXX mod in 2 parts:


Download GX.img
-copy GX.img into models - folder
it includes the girl models


Download Cleo_Girlxxx

-copy GFXXX.cs into CLEO - folder
-copy GFnames.fxt into CLEO\CLEO_TEXT - folder
- Edit the gta.dat to load the GX.img


If you have 2.Edition you need also the hot-animations
Download the missing files here


Girl XXX for skinmods

some fans asked me to make a version
which don't change the player-bodyparts
to can play with changed player model

Download Cleo_Girlxxx for skinmods

