

MODS for CLEO 3/4

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Paratroopers and Gangspawn BIG

big gang with 15 homies

Weapon Menue New

this is a overhouled version of WPMENU mod
made by The_Siggi
the changes:
-type in WP as acheat and the menu will appear
-new options of Health/Armour menue
-improved Jetpackspawn


Football-soccer (Fußball) with beachball


Magnet Crane Car


attach crane with magnet to any car




Killer Sharks

Sharks appear when CJ is swimming.
Killer sharks attacks, when CJ is driving boat and at several locations.
Can be killed by weapons

Haie erscheinen, wenn CJ baden geht.
Kampf gegen Killerhaie, wenn CJ Boot fährt sowie an bestimmten Orten.
Kann man mit Waffen erschiessen.

inklusive new nice shark 3d model


Lokations of shark presence when CJ is on foot:
LS west/St. Maria Beach/sportfisher deck behind Ferris wheel
LS west/Lighthouse
LS east/Playa del Seville on the pier
SF nord/Battery point
SF nord/small Island near the Docks
Bayside Marina (north of SF)/southern gangway


Adiditional "shark stuff"


Exotic textures, made by Alexe



Mutant, the shark 3d model version of OG-Jay



get the files here



Shark script mod like Killer shark + additional
Story -line and -missions


Sharks appear when CJ is swimming. Sharks attacks, when CJ is driving boat and at several locations. Can be killed by weapons Story line to activate next step of mission serie Start at LS/St.Maria Beach, Loco icon on radar (blue head) For next mission steps: red marker on radar

Haie erscheinen, wenn CJ baden geht. Kampf gegen Haie, wenn CJ Boot fährt sowie an bestimmten Orten. Kann man mit Waffen erschiessen. Missons-Serie mit Storyline zum Freischalten der nexten Mission Startpunkt ist LS/St.Maria Beach Loco icon aufm Radar (hellblauer Kopf) Dannach zeigen rote Radarmarker den naechsten Missionsort.

Download Jaws


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    San Andreas

    CLEO 3/4 MODS

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