Pimp my Car final
cleo script mod with neon objects and effect light addon
Pimp_my_Car_final autom. Installpack with GAMI-Installer
PimpmyCar_Final_manual, files for manual install
download neonpatch
For all who want to play Pimp my Car Final with Neon.img like with Pimp my Car Alpha
press 5 if player is in vehicle
to show a big menue full of functionsTuning everywhere
attach neon tubes
attach neon effect lights
HyperSpeedNOS, Seaways, Driftsmoke
Save 10 cars, Open Door Show, Animations,
take wheel from trunk and install it,
throw grenades, attach Missile Gun on car, Minigun,
Police Light, Spotlight, Searchlight
New effect.fxp, to display turnlights
Engine ON/OFF, switch car lights, Passenger Driveby,
unflip, undestructible, get Helmet and much moreCLICK HERE for detailed informations
new in final version:
The most important piece of news is that the neon objects will be installed with GAMI installer into gta3.img to make it easy for everybody.
At this time will not be replaced arrow.dff, tar_civ2.dff, tar_gun1.dff, tar_gun2.dff, twoplayer.dff
but these models:
because of two reasons
1. by replacing arrow.dff, tar_civ2.dff etc., the textures wasn't correct
2. Ryosuke replaces the tar_gun1, tar_civ1 etc.- objects for the MetalGearRay-Mod
The neon.img isn't neccesary anymore, but can be installed again with Neonpatch, for all who want to play Pimp my Car Final with Neon.img like with Pimp my Car AlphaAlso new is that the effects.fxp und effectPC.txd must be replaced at any rate
The new effects.fxp and effectPC.txd supports oCains SnowFX mod, containes nice new effects and allows to have a beautiful new NOS-flame for the HyperNOS-featureThe HyperNOS-feature takes a big part of the PmC script. You can choose between different Modi and edit the position.
(in submenue "MORE")Driftsmoke script is new (enable in submenue "MORE")
soundscript is new , inclusiv sound
first, for the sound HyperNOS-feature, on the other hand, you can turn on Police-siren-sound, if you type SIREN while in carRealtime (in submenue "Envirement")
new in menue "Special". Throw grenades, blue-red policelight
some bugs and unneccesary textmessages are fixed
SHIFT-key can also be used to confirm selection
The Speed, Move and Basic- functions, which includes also the HyperNOS-feature must not be enabled again with G and H,
after exit and enter of same car, but only if you change the vehicle.
And they can be disabled
More tuning-options, also for vehicle which are normally not tunable
Then it's the risk of the user to try there anything.
Colors and Wheels are always possible, for the rest it depends how you have modified carmods.dat or veh_mods.ide.
Does there exist an extra paintjob textur for such a vehicle is it also possible for shure.favorite radio station can be set to USER TRACKS